Turkish Van vs Turkish Angora: What’s the Difference?

Turkish Van vs Angora

Diving into the world of feline fascination, have you ever been intrigued by the enchanting charm and whimsical allure of Turkish cats? As two of the most bewitching breeds, the Turkish Van and Turkish Angora are veritable delights in the world of cats. Both possessing distinct features and temperaments, these feline wonders have enticed cat … Read more

Can Turkish Van Cats Live In Hot Climates?

Turkish Van Cat In Hot Climate

Imagine standing beneath the scorching sun of a Saharan afternoon, where even the sand seems to beg for mercy from the relentless heat. Now imagine being swaddled in a thick, dense coat of fur, with no escape from this merciless temperature. This is a question many Turkish Van cat owners may be wondering: Can my … Read more